Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Volcanoes tapping energy

pozo geothermal power plant in costa ricaGeothermal power plants helps power the economy Rica.Photo Costa: "Brian Clark Howard/editors of The journal grinbi E/The environmental magazine"

EarthTalk column que band any of E/The environmental magazine

Dear earthtalk: is there any way to the volcanic energy to meet the needs of other energy and we have electricity?-Antonio López, Chino, CA

The short answer is Yes: the heat generated from underground volcanic activity and can be used to power more than 100 years around the world. You can pick up steam heated groundwater with molten material and facilities use to drive turbines in geothermal power plants to produce large quantities of electricity.Get the sources are not easy or cheap, even though, because it requires the drilling fluid passages of the Earth's crust and harnessing heat energy then miles below the surface.

Despite these difficulties, volcanic geothermal reserves account for approximately one quarter of energy consumption in Iceland (with the rest of the hydropower dams). According to statistics from geothermal Association ", the Philippines is also great for user of geothermal energy: about 18 per cent of the country's electricity comes from underground volcanic sources. in New Zealand, geothermal energy accounts for about 10% of gross electricity consumption.

But believe it or not, the United States is indeed in the world largest producer of thermal electricity derived from volcano is less than one per cent of total strength from these sources. California and Nevada are leaders this nascent form of renewable energy, but also make promising in Oregon, Utah, Alaska and Hawaii. some analysts that the US has enough geothermal power to provide for the needs of 20% or more of the country's electricity.

Background of diminishing oil reserves, volcanic energy has become a high priority for some other regions.And hopes of Eastern Africa of Rwanda to supply power to the people of the energy of volcanic gases on Lake Kivu, one of the largest lakes of the continent, covering about 1,000 square miles.The Lake is one of three "blast" known subject to violence and sometimes fatal "abolish" the volcano. methane and carbon dioxide, methane mixture adjacent volcano, and carbon dioxide in the Lake, making real tendar box, threatening the lives and homes of some 2 million people in the region.

In response to the dangers of today, for the production of energy-Rwandan Government began using large boats and water absorbs methane extraction. methane is then used to shoot in Kibuye power plant gas.Already the production system to 3.6 megawatts of electricity-4 percent of the total energy supply.In a few years, the project's backers hope to generate between 50 and 100 MW of energy from methane extraction process; also greatly reduces the risk of explosions, thus providing a measure of security for the population of the region.

People hardly dissipated power that can be picked from volcanic activity, but analysts expect to see more of this kind of power coming online over the next few decades; US Geological Survey refers to this phenomenon as "positive side of volcanoes" environmentalists and other hope that volcanic geothermal energy can become a major player in the meet a large portion of our energy needs in our world is increasingly tied to carbon.

Anvironmintal you send questions to: EarthTalk (r) carefully e-journal environment ", p.o. box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; earthtalk@emagazine.com. e nonprofit publication. subscribe: www.emagazine.com/subscribe; request a free trial issue: www.emagazine.com/trial.

Tip: you don't have near the volcano to benefit from clean and renewable energy from the earth; almost everyone can take advantage of geothermal heating and cooling. verify next book geothermal HVAC egg editor Jay and Brian Clark Howard to find out more.

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